The Road More Travelled

by - March 22, 2018

Hello there, welcome to Daynadream!

Today's blog post is going to be shorter than usual. Yay for you! joke haha.

Recently I've been getting pretty cranky from all the staying at home and not really doing much... actively, speaking. To my frustration, I wanted so bad to go somewhere where there was a solid good dosage of fresh air to recuperate and restart the ol' noggin'. To the point that by the time I could get up from bed easily without much pain from the stitches on my abdomen,  I immediately went to my boyfriend and asked if I could join him to his trip to the mountains (where he works). Though taking into consideration my bodily situation (i don't think that's a term hah), It made me a bit indecisive in going and there was this little tug-of -war in my head. Eventually the pros of the idea of being in the mountains where there's so much beauty and nature and freshness was so appetizing to my inner psyche. I wore my jeans, grabbed a few supplies and my wallet then went with.

It was a road which we have traveled upon so many many times. In the span of a week, he'd pass that direction around 3 times minimum. I've tagged along a couple of times and it's really familiar. Though familiarity may seem in play, it never shakes that feeling of pleasure in my eager anticipation for what comes next down the road. 

Unlike most car rides, I'm usually quiet when passing this direction.  Too pretty to speak... the scenery I mean. 

(From left: Me, My best friend, my boyfriend)

It was a 30 minute drive, not too far since this is the Philippines after all. It's a time frame in which at the moment, I wish for it to be longer. For the scenery to last longer, for the company to last longer.

I sometimes feel envious about all the locals here. Seeing where they live and how simple life is, straightforward. I wish it was like that in the city. No matter what happens, I always see the locals smiling. I love that, I want that, I will do that.

In the end, I was glad that I came along on this short "road trip".  I advise that whenever you're feeling choked, stressed, caged and or hindered from what you want to do in life, take a trip to the mountains, to nature to somewhere that even if it's familiar already, just do it. It allows you to learn to appreciate life and your surrounding way more than you could really do in the city. Just go. It doesn't have to be a road less traveled, just a road to wellness. 

Have a happy day!

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